The Citizen’s Police Academy (CPA) is an informative, ten week classroom series that gives an inside look at the Beaver Area Police operations, while discussing the principles of community policing.
The purpose of the class is to promote a greater awareness and better understanding of local law enforcement’s continuously changing role in the community. It is the belief of the Beaver Area Police Department that education is most effective in gaining understanding and support from the community. The CPA offers insight into how police officers perform their duties and how the department serves the community.
Mission of the Academy
The purpose of the CPA is to foster better communication between citizens and police through education. The academy will create a nucleus of well-informed citizens who possess greater insight into police practices and services. Graduates of the academy can share their knowledge and experiences with the community as the opportunity arises. Everyone benefits from enhancing citizen understanding of the role and function of their police department.
Course Description
Presented in a friendly, casual environment, the class covers a wide variety of subject areas including police communications, criminal law and procedures (laws of arrest), street crime enforcement/investigations, field identification, youth programs, and more. Graduates will receive a certificate of completion.
Instruction consists of one 3-hours class held each week, from 6 to 9 p.m. for a duration of 10 weeks. The instruction is comprehensive, covering a different area of police work each week. Certified police officers, supervisors, and civilian instructors with particular expertise will conduct each topic.
Requirements of Participation
• Minimum 18 years of age
• No felony convictions
• No misdemeanor convictions within one year of application
• Applicants must agree to criminal background check (no charge)
Applications can be picked up at the Beaver Police Station. Class starts March 12 and continues for 10 weeks on Mondays from 6-9 p.m.