When you buy a commercial brand of dishwasher detergent, you’re not always sure of its quality. If it’s a cheap brand with low-quality ingredients, it is unlikely to get your dishes very clean. Unfortunately, it can also cause erosion inside of your dishwasher. To avoid this problem, consider making one of the following four types of dishwasher detergent yourself. It’s a simple solution that can save you money as well.
You will need one cup each of baking soda, Kosher salt, washing salt, and water to create homemade tablets for your dishwasher, and well as three cups of lemonade mix. After gathering the ingredients, place everything except the water into a large mixing bowl. As you begin to stir, add the water, and you should see the mixture start to fizz. Continue stirring for approximately two minutes and then use a spoon to remove one clump at a time. Place each clump into an ice cube tray, apply pressure, and leave them to harden for several minutes.
For this type of homemade dishwasher detergent, you will need a half-cup of kosher and citric acid along with one cup each of Borax and washing soda. Mix
all the ingredients together in a bowl until they form a powder. It should take just half a cup of the mixture to clean your dishes, and you can add vinegar before the rinse cycle starts if desired.
If you prefer to wash dishes by hand, this is a good alternative. You will need half of a teaspoon of an essential oil, eight cups of water, and four ounces of shaved bar soap or soap flakes. After gathering all ingredients, bring the water to a boil and then remove it from the heat as soon as it starts to steam. The final step is to add the soap flakes and essential oil to the water. You will need to allow the mixture to sit for at least eight hours at room temperature before using for the first time.
Making gel detergent requires three cups of Castile soap, three cups of warm water, and one cup of washing soda. After placing them in a container and covering it tightly with a lid, shake the container vigorously to give the gel consistency. It should be ready to use right away.
Once you see how easy it is to make your own
dishwasher detergent and the superior results _ it produces, you may just find yourself looking for your next do-it-yourself project