Citizen Spotlight: Betty Sue Schaughency, Ph.D.

Citizen Spotlight: Betty Sue Schaughency, Ph.D.

“I am just so blessed,” Beaver resident Betty Sue Schaughency, Ph.D. shared with us during our chat reminiscing about her life. Betty Sue’s journey has taken her from Boozy Creek in rural Scott County, Virginia (near Bristol), where she was born to Robert Todd Carter...
From the BASD: Why Kids Should Play Outside More Often

From the BASD: Why Kids Should Play Outside More Often

Submitted by Lyla Crake, 6th Grader at Dutch Ridge Elementary School Do you remember your parents telling you stories of their childhood and how they played outside every day? Now think about this, how much do you play outside? Probably not as often as you should....
Stargazing with the Beaver County Amateur Astronomers Club

Stargazing with the Beaver County Amateur Astronomers Club

Written by Brian DiGiovine, Resident & BCAAC Member When I took Astronomy as a science elective in college, I thought it would be an easy “A” because I just loved the stars, moon and planets, and thought that I had a pretty extensive knowledge of them all. I could...
Little Free Libraries Coming to Beaver

Little Free Libraries Coming to Beaver

Thanks to a group on Facebook, you’ll begin to see Little Free Libraries popping up in the community and surrounding area. The seed for Kindness Project 15009 was planted in February 2020 when Dutch Ridge Elementary 3rd grade teacher Francine Hogan had her students...
A Bagful of Blessings: How One Bag Turned Into a Mission

A Bagful of Blessings: How One Bag Turned Into a Mission

Sometimes a seemingly small moment can completely alter the trajectory of your life. A conversation with a stranger, joining a gym, or even receiving a gift from a friend can inspire someone to take a leap in an exciting direction. There are a plethora of these...
Keeping it Positive

Keeping it Positive

Written by the Sixth Grade Growth Mindset Club at Dutch Ridge Elementary School We are the Growth Mindset Club, and it is our mission that we spread positivity into our community. We also try to influence people to have a habit of knowing that they can do it, and...